Indoor air improvements with IAQ filters
Indoor air improvements with IAQ filters
Indoor air quality refers to the aspects of indoor air that have an impact on people’s well-being. People in Europe spend 90% of their lives indoors and breathe in an average of 15 m³ of air every day. This alone makes it clear how important indoor air quality is.
Room air purifiers are used to keep indoor air conditions at a consistently good level. These circulate the air in rooms and filter out dust, bacteria, viruses, allergens, etc..
Air purifiers can greatly reduce the risk of infection indoors. The B&S Group manufactures filters for all filtration levels that remove over 99.99% of these viruses, bacteria, dust and allergens from indoor air, even at extremely high volume flows.
Suitable products for IAQ air purifiers

Particle filter
Particle filters provide reliable protection against fine dust, pollen, soot particles and bacteria. All these pollutants are conditionally retained by the mucous membranes in the nose and throat. They are particularly harmful to health because they can trigger inflammation in the lungs.

With our HiCap filters, very high volume flows can be achieved with low pressure loss. Due to the special V-shape, the variable design of the frame systems and the use of selected micro glass fiber media, efficiencies up to filter classes H14 according to EN1822 can be achieved. Our frame systems are also available in stainless steel.

V-Cell with
activated carbon
V-Cells with activated carbon have a large filter surface area for adsorbing unpleasant odors and/or harmful gases.
V-Cells with activated carbon are available in the usual standard sizes, e.g. 592x592x292 mm.